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How to begin    →    Returning the car

Returning the car

There are two options for returning the car. The first is to return the car directly to the TopGear office. Below is a map of where the car needs to be returned.


The second option for early departures or outside TopGear working hours – returning the car at the airport parking lot, in which case Topgear will send you detailed information on returning the car. Map of the airport parking lot in the image below - after clicking, the navigation option opens.


It is always necessary to make arrangements with the staff of the rental company and confirm the place and time. At least 24 hours before the scheduled return of the car, contact the number +34 634 30 64 31 or +34 695 66 25 81. The option of returning the car always depends on the current personnel situation, the number of clients at the given moment and also on the time of returning the car.

The decision is solely up to the employees of the rental company. In case of problems or changes, do not hesitate to write or call me. Note that it is high season.

Original terms and conditions::

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